Unveiling the Magic Behind Lady Gaga’s Epic Super Bowl Halftime Show Stunt: The Inside Scoop on the Stadium Leap

Intel’s manager confirmed that the drones used during Lady Gaga’s halftime performance were pre-recorded over several days due to various logistical reasons. Despite the New England Patriots’ historic Super Bowl comeback, Gaga’s entrance into her halftime show had everyone talking. However, it was revealed that her leap into NRG Stadium was actually a well-executed illusion. At the start of Gaga’s performance, viewers saw her seemingly atop the stadium singing patriotic songs while Intel drones formed an American flag in the sky behind her. However, the audience watching at home was tricked when the singer appeared to jump into the stadium and slowly descend to the stage. Those present at the event had a closer look at how the stunt was carried out behind the scenes. An eyewitness, Nathan Michaud, shared that Gaga’s entrance was prerecorded, and she was actually lowered onto the field on cables in the dark as the video played. As the clip showed her jumping, the spotlight focused on Gaga floating in the air before she was brought down to the stage. Despite the impressive performance, Michaud noted that the attention shifted to Tom Brady’s show-stopping performance later in the game.

Natalie Cheung, the general manager of Intel drones, has confirmed that the drones were flown over the course of several days due to various factors that prevented the stunt from being performed live as planned. She explained to USA Today that weather and environmental conditions played a significant role in the decision-making process. Cheung pointed out that the unpredictability of February weather, such as high wind speeds or rain, could have jeopardized the success of the show if performed live during the Super Bowl. Therefore, both the Intel and Super Bowl creative teams agreed that filming the spectacle would be the best option. Lady Gaga’s involvement in the performance also factored into the decision, as it would have been logistically challenging for her to transition from the roof to the stadium floor during a live performance.

Cheung mentioned that, even though the show wasn’t live, it was still an incredible display. She highlighted how the fusion of art and technology in this way was a unique experience for many. The project began about a year and a half ago with 100 drones forming a simple Intel logo in the sky. As they continued, they realized it was more than just fireworks – it could be a form of branding or an artful event with various possibilities for utilization. Working with Disney, the drones were incorporated into a theme park attraction, while the Super Bowl team used them to enhance Lady Gaga’s performance. Cheung emphasized that the drones could symbolize many different things based on how they are utilized. After her Super Bowl halftime performance, the singer-songwriter has announced her upcoming Joanne World Tour. This will be Gaga’s first solo tour since her Cheek to Cheek Tour with Tony Bennett from 2014 to 2015.

Starting in August in Vancouver, the tour will travel across North America and Europe until December, with the final show scheduled for December 14 in Salt Lake City, before coming to a close back in the U.S.

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